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Comic Book Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

It’s time to go beyond the grid as readers return to the world of The Void in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 from BOOM! Studios. It’s been several years since we last had time with the Solar Rangers, so fans are in for a treat with the release of this week’s installment. How are these heroes dealing with the ongoing threat of the Darkest Hour? Well…let’s just say that it could be going better.

Official Synopsis:
In this close look at The Solar Rangers featuring acclaimed artist Valeria Favoccia (Stranger Things: Afterschool Adventures), the spreading infection of the Morphin Grid threatens their world in the distant reaches of space. In a call that feels nearly impossible to make, their leader, the Purple Solar Ranger, must take drastic steps to keep them safe. However, some unexpected visitors will complicate things…

Creative Team:
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Valeria Favoccia
Colorist: Valentina Pinto
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Image provided by BOOM! Studios

In case you missed out on the fantastic arc that took place following the events of Shattered Grid, fear not as you will be brought up to speed with an in-story retelling of the events of the “Beyond the Grid” arc. The Solar Rangers, the world of The Void, and the new team of heroes are laid out in a refreshing way to ensure maximum reader access for this tale. 

This chapter focuses on Ellarian (the Purple Solar Ranger), and her new team fighting off the impending doom of Dark Spectre as his forces invade The Void. The villains learned of this space thanks to an infected version of Tanya who mentioned the world covered with Zeo crystals. After successfully saving a group of orphans, “Ari” and her team find themselves under attack from Dayne and several infected Rangers. Hope seems to be in short supply as more Rangers fall under Dark Spectre’s influence. With more and more friends falling, the Purple Ranger must make another major sacrifice before it’s too late…

I personally loved the “Beyond the Grid” arc from early in BOOM! Studios’ MMPR run, and appreciated the attempt to showcase a fun team-up of Rangers from various series. The Solar Ranger was an interesting addition to the Power Rangers universe, and I have been anxiously awaiting more of her story. Flores and team definitely delivered on this aspect, as the issue steps away from the main events of Darkest Hour to set the stage for the final few issues. Favoccia’s artistic style coupled with Pinto’s color palette worked in tandem to create a unique entry in the Darkest Hour’s ongoing saga. Flores captures the voices of the Solar Rangers beautifully, creating a new team of heroes that fit in perfectly with the larger Power Rangers world. 

This creative team has done an impressive job of incorporating so much of Rangers’ rich history into their Darkest Hour arc (a massive undertaking to say the least), and I’m glad that we got to celebrate these characters once again as we near the end of BOOM’s current incarnation of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The Solar Rangers and their world are a welcomed addition to the franchise, and I look forward to seeing how they fit into the final chapters of the Darkest Hour.

Rating: ★★★★☆
ComicsOnline gives Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 – 4 out of 5 solar adventures. 

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.