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Comic Book Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108

Image provided by Boom! Studios.

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

The fight for Angel Grove (and the world) continues with the release of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108 from Boom! Studios. As Mistress Vile’s forces advance on our heroes, the story takes a slight detour to provide the surprising origin of the being known as “The Vessel”. How does this threat connect to the history of the Power Rangers? Major secrets are revealed with massive implications for the future of our favorite teenagers with attitude.

Official Synopsis:
In the past, Rita retrieves the mysterious Vessel with one of her close allies, who is shocked to discover The Vessel’s true identity! In a chain of emotional events, The Vessel himself will have to contend with where his allegiance will lie in the end. Will he be friend or foe for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?

Creative Team:
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artist: Marco Renna
Colorist: Francesco Segala & Gloria Martinelli
Lettering: Ed Dukeshire

If you have read any of the previews for this issue, then you know that the story immediately shifts to reveal the truth behind The Vessel. Despite being trapped in a time-warp, Zordon’s body was left intact and captured by Rita’s forces shortly after her own imprisonment in the original space dumpster (see MMPR #101). As we cut back to the present and the battle at hand, The Vessel steps away to seek out answers from Zordon himself. To say that Zordon was pissed would be an understatement, and I loved how this massively emotional revelation was handled. His anger and energy is extremely raw, conveyed in a way that we really haven’t seen before (in any medium). 

Flores and Renna have crafted a beautiful character piece that reveals new (and tragic) layers to our favorite Eltarian, taking readers on a ride that will surely have major repercussions in the future. The callbacks to previous character exploration done throughout the entirety of Boom! Studios time with the Power Rangers franchise demonstrates just how much character growth that we’ve gotten to explore over these 100+ issues. The two-page spread in the center of the book was gorgeous, as our favorite Eltarian is literally forced to face the man that he once was. The coloring from Segala and Martinelli absolutely complimented this chapter, tying the entire story together perfectly. Although Flores foreshadowed this element in the opening pages of her run, I don’t think anyone would have guessed just how complex and enjoyable this character exploration would be. This new layer to Zordon’s story only enhances the rich tapestry of the Power Rangers universe, and I can’t wait to see how this addition plays out in future issues. 
Cover Gallery and Preview Pages:
Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108 – 5/5 times to choose wisely. 
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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.