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Comic Book Review: Green Lantern #4

by Tony Rhea, Reporter

Have you ever met up with someone you used to work with? It’s weird, right? Now, imagine you not only held a grudge against this co-worker for numerous reasons, but make your former co-worker purple with a thin mustache and a gnarly attitude. If you’re having trouble imagining this, Green Lantern #4 should help!

Official Description:
GUEST-STARRING THE FLASH! NEW CHARACTER DEBUT: SINSON! After Sinestro’s attack on Ferris Air, Hal calls in a fast friend for help. This brave and bold duo comes one step closer to uncovering the mystery of Sinestro’s plans, all while Hal continues to figure out what it means to be the only Green Lantern on Earth! PLUS: Meet the all-new character SINSON, in the first installment of a prelude story to the upcoming Sinister Sons by Peter J. Tomasi and David Lafuente!

Creative Team: “Fast Friends”
Writer: Jeremy Adams
Artist: Xermánico
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letterer: Dave Sharpe

Creative Team: “Wayward Son”
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: David Lafuente
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Rob Leigh

Image provided by DC

Hal and Sinestro have a talk, with a surprising result. When it doesn’t go Sinestro’s way, he throws a sonic-bomb laced tantrum, so Hal calls in some help from the Flash! Barry hangs around a little bit to help investigate, fight crime, and dig to the heart of Hal’s lady trouble. The additional story features Korg, who may or may not be the son of Sinestro, struggling as an orphan being forced to steal and desperate to prove his lineage.

Jeremy Adams and team have provided us with a prime example of a comic book being fun while moving the story forward. Every page of this issue is fun and well-written. The exchange between Hal and Sinestro is great for instance, because while the palpable tension is there, Hal has some fun with Sinestro in his currently-powerless situation. Adams also capably proves here that while Sinestro doesn’t have a ring, he isn’t powerless and is very resourceful. It looks like Adams is really going to explore the ways Sinestro can manipulate fear WITHOUT a ring, and I’m excited to see more of it. The addition of the Flash in this issue added some humor, but also allowed an outsider-looking-in perspective that Hal desperately needed, and Barry’s pre-existing relationship with Hal serves this very well. The art from Adams looks great, and I’m really enjoying the way he and Adams are playing with Hal’s powers, and there are some fantastic standout panels that would be more than worthy of hanging on your wall.

Tomasi and Lafuente also set up their upcoming “Sinister Sons” story with a chapter in this issue, and it’s also quite a bit of fun. Korg is great, and his emulation of Sinestro is hilarious if not short-sighted. This Oliver Twist-like tale of a plucky orphan has a decidedly different look than the rest of the issue, but don’t let that twist you, it’s equally as enjoyable. Lafuente really shines with the art here (I distinctly enjoyed the permanent marker mustache, as it is very distinctly Sinestro-esque). This story may not be the reason you buy the issue, but is a great set up for the upcoming event, and is a lot of fun to boot.

If you haven’t read this series yet, or any Green Lantern series prior, this new run is a great jumping on point. It briefly covers what has come before, but is very much a new beginning for Hal Jordan as well. Green Lantern #4 is a great issue, and shouldn’t be missed!

Rating: ★★★★☆
ComicsOnline gives Green Lantern #4 – 4 out of 5 drawn mustaches!

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