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Blu-ray Review: Relic

is based on the novel of the same name by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, and deals with the wild world of museum research. Relic is also one of the latest transitions to Blu-ray.
John Whitney (Lewis Van Bergen – Pinocchio's Revenge) becomes infected by a potion in a ceremony in some exotic land, and intending to destroy the specimens bound for the museum, ends up on a ship bound for New York City. Jump to a crewless ship moored in the city, and a mysterious death at the museum. Oddly, there was a specimen delivery from some exotic land and they are being studied by Dr. Albert Frock (James Whitmore – Shawshank Redemption) and Dr. Margo Green (Penelope Ann Miller – Carlito's Way). Now throw in a museum curator, Dr. Ann Cuthbert (Linda Hunt – NCIS Los Angles), who is determined that an exhibit grand opening will occur; and Det. Hollingsworth (Clayton Rohner – G vs. E) who wants to shut the shindig down until the killer is found. The fun begins when the gala is in full swing, the creature puts in an appearance, and the game being played is hide and seek.
This movie was released thirteen years ago, and is just as good now as it was then. The move to Blu-ray is natural and deserved. This is a visual film that is well suited to high definition. Being an older movie, the picture may not be as crisp as the newer flicks but the High Def adds a saturation and detail that suits the museum setting.
The only drawback to Relic on Blu-ray is the lack of special features, but that seems to be a problem with many older movies, the fact that there weren't many special features included on the good old VHS tape.
Special Features:

The Filmmakers Lens: An Interview with Peter Hyams

Theatrical Trailer

The bottom line is that Relic was a good movie thirteen years ago, it's still a good movie, and the Blu-ray format has only made the viewing experience better. The lack of special features is a minor incontinence that shouldn't ruin the pleasure of this disc. Relic on Blu-ray may not be for everybody, but it’s for me.
ComicsOnline gives Relic on Blu-ray 3½ imported monsters out of 5
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Karl is an old but powerful mountain giant living in Idaho. He enjoys horror, heavy metal, and the Silver Surfer. Still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.