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DVD Review Feast III: The Happy Finish Unrated

In the first movie we spent a night in a bar with a faceless Jason Mewes, Henry Rollins as a motivational speaker in pink sweat pants, a decreasing number of patrons and staff, and couple of big horny monsters and a couple of baby horny monsters. A few people survived to see the sun rise.

Now in the second film, it’s the next morning, and picking up where the first ended, the survivors are killed except for Honey Pie and the Bartender, and a new compliment of survivors is introduced. Female biker gang, a used car dealer, his cheating wife and her boyfriend, a pair of midget luchagors, and the homeless meth dealer who’s barricaded himself in the safest building in town, the jailhouse. Oh yeah, the town is running rampant with our horny critters. And we still don’t know what they are, or where they came from.

So now we‘re into the third movie, Feast III: The Happy Finish. Picking up where the second flick finished, our band of survivors is trying to gain access to the safest building in town, the jail. The band consisting of car dealer, Slasher, his wife, Secrets, her boyfriend, Greg, wrestler Thunder. Biker Queen and the remainder of her gang, Tit Girl and Tat Girl, are still there as well. And survival is still the name of the game. New characters show up, S%!tkicker (John Allen Nelson – 24), Jean Claude Seagal (Craig Henningsen – Feast 3), and Prophet (Josh Blue – Feast 3), and of course more creatures including a hybrid. Nope, I’m not telling what, you’ll want to see for yourself anyway. And we still don’t know what they are or where they come from.

Feast III: The Happy Finish is a much better movie than the second , but not as good as the first. This flick is not as clever as the first, and not as humorous, or as ironic. On a positive note, the body function jokes are not as graphic or intense as in the second movie. This is a good finish to the trilogy, but it‘s a shame that they used all the good chops in the first movie, though the fight scene with Jean Claude Segal is classic.

So now that the trilogy is finished (?) I have to say this is, overall, a great series, a rare combination of horror and comedy, without one being a parody of the other.

ComicsOnline gives Feast III: The Happy Finish 4 sex obsessed creatures out of 5.

ComicsOnline gives The Feast Trilogy 5 monsters of unknown origin out of 5.


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Karl is an old but powerful mountain giant living in Idaho. He enjoys horror, heavy metal, and the Silver Surfer. Still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.