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NYCC 09: Cup O’ Joe Panel

The Cup O’ Joe panel focused primarily on Ultimatum and the cancellation of it’s books. It had been fairly well known that Ultimate X-men and Ultimate Fantastic Four were getting canceled but shocking was the news that the whole line was being canceled. Brian Michael Bendis acted out fake shock about Ultimate Spider-man’s fate and then they revealed the plan was to relaunch Ultimate Comics. A new line that will have 4 titles. Only a new Ultimate Spider-man and a new Ultimates was confirmed which was referred to twice as Ultimate Avengers. It was unclear if that was intentional or not.

The new ultimate books will take place later in time which was unspecified at first but BMB seemed to say it would be a few months later. He also teased it might be someone else under the mask. He stated that the book will show a new lifestyle and status-quo for Spider-man that we have not seen in any Spider-man book before. They would not reveal who would be in the last 2 ultimate books.

The new Ultimate Spider-man book would be written by BMB and illustrated by newcomer David La Fuente.

They teased that the newest issue of Ultimate Hulk Vs. Wolverine was done and showed a few pieces of art from it. They also stated it would reveal the debut of Ultimate She-Hulk. She’s Blonde. Crowd didn’t seem to care.

They also revealed some new Halo stuff and again nobody seemed to care. One of the two projects vaguely talked about would be written by BMB while the other would be written by Peter David.

Fans asked questions: Highlights

One hot fan dressed as Black Cat wanted to know when she would get a series and she was given an answer after BMB proposed to her that she would be better off attending a panel on Sunday that would be headed by the Spidey Braintrust. Joe said it’s something that’s been talked about.

Another fan questioned continuity problems about the Ultimate Pyro since he’d been a heroic X-men just before appearing in Ultimatum as a villain. The panel had no answer. They were stumped.

Another fan questioned book pricing including a recent X-men Ghost Boxes that he said only had 16 pages of content and charged $3.99. The Panel sincerely apologized and said that would never happen again and they understood the resentment of the reader.

Another fan asking about Silver Surfer getting a new book was told there were no plans for the Surfer immediately.

Another fan wanted more Modok and was told he would soon be getting his wish.

Another fan wanted more Watcher and the panel thought that was humorous and made jokes about The Watcher being a peeping tom.

A Fan wanted to know if Ultimate Nick Fury would be returning from the Squadron Supreme universe anytime soon and BMB said he should keep his eyes open and that he would be pleased.

A few jokes were made here and there about Mephisto and One More Day and Joe said he wished some books sold as well as One More Day.


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Once a proud bartender who ruled the five boroughs with his magic shaker, T has now retired to Florida to train the next generation of mixologists.