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SDCC Fringe Panel

Fringe had quite a fanbase at San Diego Comic Con this year, because not only was the line very long and the room completely full, but the fans were very much a part of the panel itself. The Fringe crew thought it would be fun to have a trivia game running, so that for every question a fan asked them, they asked a question of the audience. They seemed remarkably surprised every time a very enthusiastic fan screamed out the answer, faster than they had time to recognize it! The questions got progressively more difficult and detailed, yet the fans came through every time. That speaks more to the loyalty of their viewers than anything else at the panel, and the Fringe cast seemed very pleased.

I have to admit I'm not a real fan of Fringe, but what I learned from the panel was enough for me to give it a second chance. Now that a parallel universe is in the mix, everyone was buzzing about what this means for the show, and if everyone would meet their doubles at some point. The writers did not refute this, nor did they confirm. The only thing for sure is that it brings a whole new dynamic to the relationship between Peter and Walter. The audience now knows that Peter is not the Peter from the right world, but the character himself is unaware. What this will mean for him and his father remains to be seen, but it surely sounds interesting.

Other information gathered at the panel was that Charlie may not be as dead as you suspect, Anna Torv would suggest that her character take a day off, and Astrid will be getting out of the lab a little more this season. Leonard Nimoy can become a regular if he wants, and some time will be spent in this parallel world. They intentionally started it in the Twin Towers so the audience knew this was somewhere that 9/11 never succeeded. This will probably mean other things about the world is different as well. Jeff Pinker says season two is "“about maturation … about making decisions for yourself."

So fans of the show had better get ready for one hell of a new season when Fringe returns in the fall!


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"Earth-1 Chelsea" lives in Maine where she teaches her father how to play golf and avoid deer ticks. She is too good a writer to play in our sandbox much anymore. *tear*