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Month: March 2010


Movie News: New IRON MAN 2 Trailer!

Check out the latest trailer from what is sure to be the hottest movie of the year!


This new trailer shows off more of Don Cheadle as War Machine as well as Black Widow, Whiplash and more.  May 7th can't get here any sooner.


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Blu-ray Review: Alice

                                    Welcome to Wonderland!

So what happens with a fairy tale after it’s happily ever after?  Obviously, life goes on and things won’t remain the same as when we left them.  Well, SyFy has taken the liberty to give a possible scenario for the sequel of Alice in Wonderland with their mini-series Alice.


Movie Review: Kick-Ass

Over the last few years, film-goers have had a massive exposure to comic-book culture.  The average viewer has become more open-minded when it comes to seeing the next comic related release.  The next character to make the leap to the big screen is Mark Miller's Kick-Ass and ComicsOnline was invited to a private screening of this upcoming release in San Diego.  It is easily one of the most over the top, violent, profane and exhilarating comic-book movies ever.  This is no Dark Knight and it sure isn't Iron-Man.  Kick-Ass is something entirely new and different…and could easily be one of the best movies of the year!

Now you might be asking yourself, who is Kick-Ass and why should I go see a movie about him?