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Month: April 2011

WonderCon 2011: Green Lantern: Emerald Knights Screening and Panel


DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation have consistently given the fans a sneak preview of their new animated movies at conventions over the last few years, and this year at WonderCon we are given a new treat. With DC pimping out the new Green Lantern live action movie, there is no better  time for the DC Animated Film series to dive deep into Green Lantern mythos and lore by bringing us a series of short stories taken from the comics over the years in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (available to own on June 7th).

WonderCon 2011: Dark Horse Panel

Here are some of the highlights from the Dark Horse panel at WonderCon 2011:

-On the Dark Horse panel this year were Jeremy Atkins, Sierra Hahn, and Scott Allie, who shared some interesting developments in the world of Dark Horse world. 

-Among them was the revelation that Dark Horse has acquired all the Joss Whedon franchises under one Dark Horse roof!

-IDW is wrapping up all current titles before Dark Horse “takes over”, so to speak.  

-Sierra Hahn, editor of the new Dollhouse mini-series to be released in July, offered up some tidbits about the series: it’s an expansion of the already released one-shot, and is based on the “Epitaph” episodes of the series. 

WonderCon 2011: Spotlight on Robert Kirkman

Here are some highlights from the Spotlight on Robert Kirkman panel at WonderCon 2011:

Update on Season 2 of The Walking Dead:
-Kirkman will do more writing for the upcoming season

-He has relocated to LA with his family so he can be there everyday to work on the scripts.

-TWD filming to continue in Atlanta.

-Still in talks with Joe Hill and Stephen King for individual episode development, but they are not on board yet.

-On diverging from the comic: “To do what happens in the comic would bore me to tears…let’s do THIS (something else) instead.”

-Hopes to gain experience in the editing room and other areas of working on a TV show like this.

WonderCon 2011: DC Nation Panel

Here are some of the highlights for the DC Nation Panel at WonderCon 2011:

-DC has always been committed to giving the readers what they ‘like, what you don’t like, and what gets you excited about comics’.  

-Glad to hear people like how things are going, and always listing to input from the fans, including restarting the letters from fans sections at the back of issues, which helps give the creators a boost and keeps them connected on a personal level.

-Fan question: ‘So War of the Green Lanterns, what’s that about?’ Didio: “Well, the Green Lanterns… are at war”.

-Fan question: Deadman: Is he still alive or is he dead right now?  Answer: Yes.


WonderCon 2011: Green Lantern Comics Panel

Here are some of the highlights from the Green Lantern Comics Panel at WonderCon 2011:

-Reveal of the White Lantern is next week in issue #23.

-*Joking?* Atrocious will have a Valentines day special at some point in the future (and Dexstar will fight with Krypto.)

-The embodiments of the cores are holed up in the Guardians right now, and will be for the near future.

WonderCon 2011 Coverage

It’s time again for WonderCon! This year is the convention’s 25th Anniversary and we have a lot of exciting coverage planned. Watch this space for our ongoing list!

(Newest at the top)


Blu-ray Review: Hereafter

Death, and what happens after we die, is a very deep (and common) question that remains a big mystery for all of us. Is there anything out there? Is there any way for us to possibly know? These are the questions posed in Hereafter, the new release from director Clint Eastwood and Warner Bros Pictures.
We are treated to three (barely) intertwined stories about three lives being affected by death and how the characters deal with it. Matt Damon plays a retired psychic who has turned away from his gift of talking with the deceased. A French television reporter named Marie (Cécile de France), who is covering a news story in Thailand, gets caught up in a tsunami and can’t escape.


Blu-ray Review: Venture Bros The Complete Season Four

Now maybe I got a little intoxicated before starting this review, but I don’t think my opinion would have changed in the slightest: The Venture Brothers Season Four Blu-ray is the most concentrated source of awesome that money can buy. I am 90% sure that isn’t the whiskey talking, and is instead my unadulterated devotion to this genius series. If you are a fan of comics, science fiction, or anything that uses the word “adventure” in its genre tag, you probably already know about The Venture Brothers from their first three excellent seasons. If not, you should. Look into it now. They are on Blu-ray (and DVD)!