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Month: April 2012

Exclusive Interview: Eureka’s Colin Ferguson discusses the Final Season

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

Eureka returns to Syfy on Monday April 16 to complete it’s five year run. We reached out to our friend Colin Ferguson (Sheriff Jack Carter) to get our readers an exclusive interview about what to expect for the final episodes of the series.



omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg.

Okay, so normally I don’t post news articles (that’s normally left to Kroze and Matt), but dude.  This is too awesome.  I just said in the article I posted about War Horse that I was reminiscing about the style of Tarantino I love so much.  And… Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds, The Green Hornet, The Three Musketeers) is in it!!  And I love that man.  Probably one of my all-time favorite actors.  Anywho, there’s the official teaser poster, and below is the official synopsis of the film.  Is it Christmas yet?

Movie Review: The Cabin in the Woods

Hey guys, the cellar door just flew open loudly. Let’s check it out!

by Aliki Taylor, Reviewer

Sure, we all love Joss Whedon and we’re already salivating over his upcoming blockbuster The Avengers, but Dollhouse has been off the air for a while, so what’s he been doing? It turns out he spoiled us years ago.

At the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con, Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse) announced on stage that he and Drew Goddard (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cloverfield) were co-writing something, describing, “It is a film called Cabin in the Woods, and it is the horror film to end all horror films. Literally. And more about that, I will not say.” Nearly five years later, we now know what he meant.

(Spoiler-free review ahead!)



Anime DVD/Blu-ray Review: Sekirei: Pure Engagement (Season 2)

What training is complete without a little mudwrestling?

by Laurie Love, Anime Editor

The busty beauties of Sekirei return for a second season in Pure Engagement for 13 more episodes and a juicy OVA!  For those yet to experience all the eye-candy, the series features warrior aliens known as sekirei, whose full powers emerge when the gals are bound to human masters, or ashikabi.  Awkward but sweet high school student Minato is one such master –and his bouncy harem of heroines is growing rapidly!  From the super endowed sekirei Musubi to tipsy Kazehana and little Ku, all the lovely ladies are back to battle for warrior supremacy, fight the mysterious MBI Corporation and secure Minato’s adoration.

Blu-ray/DVD Review: War Horse

by Karissa Barrows, Editor

Albert Narracott (Irvine) and Joey

When you think “horse movie”, what do you think of?  Black BeautySeabiscuitSpirit: Stallion of the Cimarron?  Typically, I usually think some movie that’s going to make me cry because of shameless horse-killing, the overplayed horse-separated-from-loved-owner-and-later-reunited storyline proven to elicit tears, or some cowboy movie.  War Horse, Steven Spielberg’s newest film, uses those first two, mixed with a little Seabiscuit-style “miracle horse” aspect, and a little bit of storytelling I thought slightly reminiscent of Tarantino – and makes for a huge success.

Comic News: Spider-Men = Peter Parker / Miles Morales Team Up

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

The Marvel “616” Universe will be crossing over with the Ulimate Universe in the new limited series Spider-Men.

Check out the official Press Release for Spider-Men below:

Spider-Man Meets Spider-Man In Landmark SPIDER-MEN

Peter Parker and Miles Morales Meet For The First Time in June

WonderCon 2012: The Amazing Spider-Man – Interview with Emma Stone and Marc Webb

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

The Amazing Spider-Man swung over to WonderCon 2012 to excite attendees with appearances by the talented Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy) and Marc Webb (Director). ComicsOnline (along with several of our press associates) got the chance to briefly discuss the upcoming film!


Movie Review: Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope

“When a woman tells you to grow up, that’s God’s way of telling you to get a new woman… There’s three billion women on the planet, and not a lot of great comics, so it’s an easy choice.” -Chuck Rosanski, Mile High Comics

by Kevin Gaussoin, Editor-in-Chief

San Diego Comic-Con is the cultural Mecca of geeks everywhere, the one place where we can all gather together and gaze across the vast landscape of all our varied fandom obsessions from superheroes to sci-fi to fantasy to horror to anime to video games and every related subject–Where we can not only hang out with each other but we can meet the creators and stars of all our favorite stuff–where ‘Trek and ‘Wars nerds can take up their sabers and phasers, not to battle each other but to pose with the next generation of geeks or to drink with the real Green Lantern or Duke Nukem and listen together to bands play songs about Aquaman or Laurence Fishburne and then look over and say to each other in the words of Joss Whedon: “Are we not dope?”

WonderCon 2012: Regular Show – Interview with J.G. Quintel

by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor

Cartoon Network’s Regular Show dropped into WonderCon 2012 to grace us with their unique brand of humor. Intreped ComicsOnline’s own Kroze (Media Editor) had a bit of time to chat up and goof around with show creator and voice actor, J.G. Quintel, who plays Mordecai. Check out the zanyness that ensued!


DVD Review: Hellacious Acres: The Case Of John Glass

A hoodied denizen of the new world!

by Chris Kane, Reviewer.

ComicsOnline Podcast S12E08 – WonderCon

*WARNING: EXPLICIT AUDIO CONTENT* SPOILER ALERT!  You’re listening to the ComicsOnline Podcast. SeasonTwelve. EpisodeEight. WonderCon. Recorded April 1st, 2012. This Episode, Kevin and Dune are joined by Bill Watters and Mary Anne Butler . Topics include WonderCon 2012, Comic-Con, Starship…