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Movie Review: Dismal

So when you‘re failing College Biology what do you do? Study hard? Get a tutor? Date the T.A.? No, we go on an extra credit field trip to The Great Dismal Swamp.

In Dismal that’s what Dana (Lydia Chandler) does, against her domineering boyfriend Brady’s (Brent Lovell) wishes. Teaching Assistant Curt (Tim Morris) leads Dana along with new couple Gary and Shelly (Will Triplett and Capel Kane) and jock Jamal (Jade Arnold) and special friend Eve (Meagan Reedy) in to The Great Dismal Swamp to identify wildlife for extra credit. When the group finds an alligator that has been killed by poachers and partially dressed, they feel something isn’t right even though the park ranger Dale (Bill Oberst Jr.) tells them they are in no danger from the poachers. It doesn’t take long for things to go wrong for the group after that. What ensues is a buffet of terror with a serving of revenge for desert.

Dismal borrows heavily from other movies. The key word is borrows. There are concepts from Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, there’s even a diatribe reminiscent to Otis’ in House of 1000 Corpses. But I stress ’borrows’. This movie feels familiar but fresh and new. Horror directing newcomer Gary King has marked this film as his with a new outlook on classic horror that will be his trademark in films to come. The film work is classically magnificent, the cutaways are just right, and the lighting perfect, so instead of relying on characters coming out of shadows they have some extremely slick writing and camera work to introduce cast. And while the effects could be more polished, like maybe Shelly’s last scene, but Eve’s was amazing. This cast of unknown up-and-comers will be ones to watch in the future. They seemed to feel comfortable and right at home in front of the camera and that helps to draw the viewer into the film.

So all that’s left is to thank Fearmakers Studio for letting this future classic be my first pre-released film review. And to everyone else, where do you fall in the food chain?

ComicsOnline gives Dismal 5 extra credit stars out of 5.

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Karl is an old but powerful mountain giant living in Idaho. He enjoys horror, heavy metal, and the Silver Surfer. Still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.