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TV Review: Stargate Universe – “Alliances”

Stargate Universe has returned to Syfy for the back half of Season 2 and tonight we are treated to a Earth-centric story called “Alliances”. Here is a quick look at what is coming up tonight on SGU.

Spoiler Alert!

Lt. Greer and Camile return to Earth via the Ancient Communication Stones to report on the situation aboard the Destiny, and find themselves in the middle of an attack on Homeworld Command by the Lucian Alliance! Can they help diffuse a bomb before it takes out the entire area? Meanwhile, on the Destiny, Senator Michaels (Kathleen Quinland) and Dr. Andrew Covel (French Stewart) meet with the team on the ship to determine if funding the Destiny mission is logical based on the number of failures and issues that have come up since the destruction of the Icarus Base.

This episode gives fans the long awaited confrontation between Greer and Camile and allows their hatred of one another to come to a head. These two are stuck in an extremely dangerous situation and are forced to rely on each other for survival. French Stewart appears as the former colleague of Dr Rush, who was actually offered the position on the Icarus Base prior to Rush and turned it down. He is extremely skeptical about Rush’s discovery of the Destiny’s mission and is trying to debunk Rush’s work. Honestly, if I didnt know that Stewart was going to be in this episode, I wouldn’t have recognized him in the first half of the story. Not only has the man aged significantly since his last apperance in the Stargate story (originally appearing in the first Stargate movie along with Kurt Russell), but he is playing the most serious character that I have ever seen him portray. He does a great job stepping into a more scientific role in SGU and his apperance will definitely be enjoyable for fans.

Syfy has recently announced that they will not be continuing SGU after this season, and that only these 10 episodes remain. Make sure you tune in to Stargate Universe on Syfy channel, Mondays 10p Eastern/9p Central to help ensure a conclusion to this fantastic show.

ComicsOnline gives Stargate Universe “Alliances” 4.5 out of 5 Earth based Stargate stories!

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.