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Movie Review: The Change-Up

by guest reviewer and Kroze Kresky, Media Editor

Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds star in Universal Pictures new take on the hilarious body swapping formula: The Change-Up.

Mitch and Dave lead two completely separate lives; Mitch is a playboy who has no clue what to do about his future while Dave is a family man.  Both think they would be better off leading each others lives. One day they both wake up to find they got their wish alright!

The comparisons to Freaky Friday are readily apparent from the trailer, but the switching of bodies is the only similarity. The Change-Up tackles the some serious life-changing issues while mixing in a heavy dose of dick and fart jokes as well. It’s not a deep film by any means, but is a great summer flick with more heart than the plethora of romantic comedies hitting the big screen lately.

Seeing their odd and completely opposite approaches to each other’s life and lifestyle is where the bulk of The Change-Up’ s humor lies. 

Jason Bateman (It’s Your Move, Valerie’s Family, Teen Wolf Too, Arrested Development, Juno, Hancock, Extract, Paul) really shines here when he takes on Mitch’s role.  His increasing use of expletives and the way he handles each increasingly awkward situation delivers laughs on all fronts. Seeing him handle the feeding of the babies the first time is one of the funniest moments in the film. Ryan Reynolds (Blade III, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Green Lantern) isn’t a slouch either in delivering the hilarity.  Seeing him as the much more timid Dave Lockwood reacting to an overly pregnant Tatiana (Mircea Monroe – Tekken) as she arrives for a booty call is one of the most unique and altogether ridiculous scenes the film offers.


The Change Up is a fun and dirty comedy that shines even though it’s based on an otherwise worn out body swapping premise. While the first scene is rather slapstick, the actual funny shows up right afterward and stays until the end.

ComicsOnline gives The Change Up 4 out of 5 body swaps.

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