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Comic Book Review: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma #4

by Zoe Gaussoin, Reporter

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma begins as Spock awakes from his dream-like state. He remembers the course of events leading to this moment, recalling Admiral April assigning the Enterprise a milk run while First Officer Una Chin Riley is being held in a Federation cell because she’s Illyrian,  a gene mutating species. Pike and Spock, against the archaic ban on the species, go searching for answers to help free Una. They set a course for the Pryia colony where they met Governor Da-Kil. The Enterprise ended up locating Pryia’s true location, despite Da-Kil’s deceptions. Da-Kil abducts Spock, using his unique Illyrian gene mutating abilities to temporarily mutate Spock to withstand the uninhabitable environment on Pryia, the true Illyrian home world. Da-Kil wanted answers and transported Spock to the acidic surface to awaken, with skin made of stone. Once inside the temple he triggers a simulation where he is Telkun Skalan, a Vulcan scientist, visiting Illyria before the time of Surak, the founder of Vulcan logic. Pike arrives at the Illyrian homeworld and despite every precaution available, he can only survive on the Illyrian surface for 5 minutes. After the temple collapses, Spock reveals a shard and says that answers will be found on Vulcan. Pike and Spock are beamed off the surface, moments before their defenses fail.

Creative Team
Writers: Kirsten Beyer and Mike Johnson
Artist: Megan Levens
Colorist: Charlie Kirchoff
Letterer: Neil Uyetake

As issue three of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma left us wondering if Spock would wake in Sha Ka Ree–spoilers, he woke up in front of Chapel, safe in sick bay–Spock was ready to start scans on the shard recovered from the Illyrian home world but Pike sent the scan reports to sick bay instead. The preliminary scans reveal Spock’s inner Skeksis, as he describes the crystal as an energy wave form with neuroactive potential. In the meantime, Pike returns the favor to Da-Kil and beams him over with no warning, letting him know he’s a guest and anything about the crystal uncovered in the Illyrian Temple, is information for the galaxy. Since the scientist Skalan visited the Illyrian homeworld before the teachings of Surak were embraced, there is no record of it in Vulcan history. Spock, accompanied by Da-Kil and Pike is cleared by Chapel to go to the Vulcan homeworld to visit a homestead that shares the name Skalan, where they meet T’Spa, an older woman, who was reminiscent of Aughra from the Dark Crystal, crotchety.  Once they ask her about the crystal, she brought them to an old family heirloom. I would watch more Antiques Roadshow with family heirlooms like that!  Once the crystal was placed inside the heirloom, they were transported into the testament of scientist Skalan. In the testament they learn that Vulcans perceived the Illyrians as less-than and conducted immoral experiments on them that led to their ability to modify their genes and ultimately leaving their homeworld inhabitable.

Once they all emerge from Skalan’s testament,  the new information sparks conflicting responses. Captain Pike saw it as evidence that can be used to free Una. Spock saw it as one person’s testament and suggested they do  more investigating.  Governor Da-Kil sees this as a fundamental blow to his species’ belief and pride in their genetic mutating abilities. In the end they all agree not to talk about the findings until more information is uncovered. They deliver the waste disposal units with minimal questioning from April. The crew speculate about the unscheduled shore leave Pike and Spock took, vowing to have her home ready for Una’s return, forget the umbrellas.

Captain’s log: Deleted until next time, where we will hopefully learn more about the The Illyrian Enigma.

I want to ride a sehalt.

Rating: ★★★★½
ComicsOnline gives Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma #4 4.5/5 haunting backstories





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