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Christian Kane

TV Review: Leverage 5×14 – The Toy Job

by Demi Moumas, Reporter Welcome again to the Christmas themed episode of Leverage. In other words a Parker gets to shine episode. This year, our favorite team goes after a toy company who is letting a malfunctioning toy on the…

TV Review: Leverage 5×13 – The Corkscrew Job

  by Demi Moumas, Reporter This week’s Leverage is back to the old fashioned mind games. Very apt too considering they are out to con a winery owner. Nothing tastes better than conning a man trying to cover up the…

TV Review: Leverage 5×12 – The White Rabbit Job

by Demi Moumas, Guest Reporter Bigger marks mean crazier cons. This time the Leverage team is not going against a corrupt politician or stopping a crime. They are asked to make a businessman return to how he was before he…