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Clark Kent

Advance Review: My Adventures with Superman – “Adventures of a Normal Man” (Series Premiere)

Superman returns…to television! Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen take center stage in a new animated series titled My Adventures with Superman, launching this week on Adult Swim & MAX. This show puts a new creative spin on Clark’s early adventures with the Daily Planet, his friends, and his path to becoming a hero.

DVD Review: Superman – Unbound

The fate of all life on Earth (including his own) rests on Superman in this smash-tastic DC Univers Animated Original Movie Superman: Unbound on DVD.

Movie Review: Man of Steel

Man of Steel is a re-imagining. Those who have a hard time with new takes on classic characters in stories that have already been told may have a hard time with Man of Steel. Those who found Star Trek: Into Darkness offensive because they felt too precious about Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan or those who flipped tables over the fact that The Amazing Spider-Man failed to include “With great power comes great responsibility” may find that Man of Steel is similarly irreverent about previous canon. This is not your father’s Last Son of Krypton. It’s not your grandfather’s either.