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Danny McBride

Movie Review: This Is The End

Some of us possess a certain mindset that will sometimes try to form a plan for what to do in the worst of all possible circumstances: The end of the world. Gather supplies, find like-minded colleagues, locate a defensible position, build a new life. Oftentimes those like-minded survivors are people that we knew and liked when the world was whole: family, co- workers, best friends… But what happens to those relationships when the comforts of the world disappear? What happens when none of your acquaintances have much in the way of survival skills? What happens when the only people you have at your disposal are five other comedy actors who were barely tolerable people to begin with?

This Is The End.

DVD Review: Your Highness

by Chris Learned Kane and Kimberly Learned Kane, Reviewers I was excited to see Your Highness. On paper, the movie justifies my excitation: it stars James Franco, Danny McBride, Natalie Portman, and Zooey Deschanel. The film boasts director David Gordon…

Blu-ray & DVD Review: Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder is an action movie set in the Vietnam war set within a comedy of the same name. Whether you’re talking about the comedy or the war drama within, Tropic Thunder is an all-star extravaganza that satires stardom, war movies, and really all of Hollywood.

Ben Stiller (producer of The Ruins) stars as Tugg Speedman as who in turn stars as Four Leaf Tayback. Speedman is the ultimate action hero whose fame has seen better days.

Jack Black (Kung Fu Panda) stars as Jeff Portnoy who in turn stars as Fats. Portnoy is a heroin addict whose fame is largely based on movies featuring himself playing multiple roles in fat suits.

DVD Review: The Fist Foot Way

The Foot Fist Way is a 2008 low-budget comedy film directed by Jody Hill and starring Danny R. McBride. Will Ferrell and Adam McKay’s production company, Gary Sanchez Productions, picked up distribution rights to the film and hoped for it to achieve a Napoleon Dynamite-like success. It premiered in 2006 at The Los Angeles Film Festival and was screened at Sundance that same year.