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DVD Review: Pokemon DP Battle Dimension Volume 2

“Where blasting off again!”

Once again Ash Ketchum is on his journey to be a pokemon master. Ash is not alone, he and his friends, Brock, Dawn and most importantly Pikachu, are exploring the Sinnoh region. Team Rocket is still there and causing trouble as always. A new twist, Jessie and James aren’t the only Team Rocket members, Cassidy and Butch join the fun. Cassidy and Butch are under command of Professor Namba, who is always getting his name missed pronounced. Cassidy is Jessie’s rival and Butch, like his commander, is also always getting his named missed pronounced. Even with two Team Rockets, there are still more bad guys, Team Galactic, the organization only in Sinnoh gets in on the action. Enemies old and new alike are making Ash and the gang's life hard. Can Ash defeat them or will they defeat him?

Ash and the gang also have other things to do other than fight evil, Dawn enters a another pokemon contests with her recently obtained and evolved Ambipom. Dawn also does something completely unexpected, she challenged the gym leader that Ash also is going to challenge. Ash did challenge the gym leader, but before he did he first cough a new pokemon, Gligar. Brock show off his pokemon breading skills and takes on a student, who is having trouble with her Milktank, but with some hard work the pokemon is obeying her in no time.

“To be continued…”

9 Team Shocker
10 Tanks fore the Memories
11 Hot Spring a Leak
12 Riding the Winds of Change
13 Sleight of sand
14 Lost Leader Strategy
15 Crossing the Battle Line
16 A Triple Fighting Chance
17 Enter Galactic

In this Volume a lot happens in comparison to Volume 1. I enjoyed how the story line deepens and I also enjoyed the character development. I don’t want to give away what happens, but I will say that Dawn has great development and influence others with that knowledge. The reason I like the great character development is that I think that it is different than usual, and I find that refreshing. The only problem I have with this Volume is that it felt like when Dawn challenged the gym leader it was only delaying Ash’s battle and could have been left out. This volume keeps you on edge with all of the exciting battles and all pokemon lovers would enjoy to have this on their shelf.

ComicsOnline gives Pokemon DP Battle DImension Volume 2, 4.5 out of 5 Contest Moves.

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