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NYCC09: Mattel’s DC Figures

Mattel’s DC Related Offerings look awesome. The DC Universe CRISIS figures look great and there is a wide variety of figures available ranging from Gotham City SWAT Officers to Thanagarian Warriors to many, many ,many DC characters.

They are also still producing plenty of Justice League Unlimited figures too. I am especially liking additions like Amanda Waller and General Eiling and a new Batman taken directly from one of my favorite episodes when Batman busts in on the two at the secret Project Cadmus base.

I was less interested in the figures based upon the Dark Knight film. Not much new and there were some real stretched that just looked silly.

The Brave and the Bold figures looked fun and had mostly characters we’ve seen in the show like Blue Beetle, Aquaman and Red Tornado along with villains like Black Manta and Kanjar Ro. Cooler though were some Brave and the Bold figures that looked like the equivalent of Marvels Superhero Squad miniature kiddie figures.

Pictures are coming. I promise. Lots of pictures.



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Once a proud bartender who ruled the five boroughs with his magic shaker, T has now retired to Florida to train the next generation of mixologists.