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DVD Review: Time Crime

Time travel usually involves dinosaurs, buying stock in Kodak, futuristic mutants, changing time lines, or just plain old saving the world as we know it. And falling in live with Jane Seymore. But naked women and a deranged man wrapped in pink bandages make for a new twist on an overused subject.

But that’s exactly what the Spanish made Chronocrimenes (Time Crime) does. Regular guy Hector and wife Clara are moving into a new home and Hector spies a naked girl in the woods. When he goes to check out the situation, and who wouldn‘t, finds not only a naked girl but a man with pink bandages wrapped around is head, who stabs Hector with a pair of scissors. In the course of being chased he ends up in a time machine and travels back in time. What unfolds next is quite possibly one of the slickest scripts written.

Once again a foreign film has found a way to catch my eye. Time travel is a hard theme to pull off with any believability. Chronocrimenes (Time Crime) does something unique, and creates a situation where Hector travels back in time a massive 90 minutes. This movie chronicles the exploits of Hector 1 as he attempts to simply stay out of trouble for a mere hour and a half, when he can go home and not worry about running into himself.
Chronocrimenes (Time Crime) could easily have been a comedy of errors plot, but is instead a thriller. The actions and reactions of the characters fit together nicely, for the most part, and rarely feel forced. Hector has his moments when you wonder why he does something, but it all works out. If the movie feels cumbersome or unbalanced at times, I think it may well be in the dubbing. While this film may not be great, it is some of the more original time travel flicks I‘ve ever seen.

ComicsOnline gives Chronocrimenes (Time Crime) 4 time paradox‘s out of 5.


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Karl is an old but powerful mountain giant living in Idaho. He enjoys horror, heavy metal, and the Silver Surfer. Still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.