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DVD Review: Claymore, Chapter 6 The Awakening

The secret of Clare comes out in this the final Chapter of the story. Clare is pushed to the point of no return and is in danger of fully awakening. The foes are stronger and more deadly than ever and the past has come back to haunt Clare. This beautifully rendered series closes it's doors to us, but hopefully not forever.


This chapter picks up at the point where the Silver Eyed Lion King was about to wipe out the Claymore sisters, but Clare refuses to give up. She pushes herself to the point where she awakens her lower half. Yes, I said her lower half, Her speed increases and allows her to become a real challenge to the Lion King. Half awakened Clare finds out that she cannot control her new power and pushes even harder. The new boost of power gives her the mortal edge.

This battle arouses some interested travelers and an old foe is reawakened. With Clare's awakening something else is discovered. Priscilla was drawn to this battle because she felt something she had not felt in years. Now, if I explain what is really happening I would spoil a secret that you need to discover on your own.


There is much to be said about Claymore, but the real standout for me is the Animation. It is beautiful and stunning. It relays the story in a way that complements the overall despair of the Claymore Sisters life. It also provides an appropriate gray overcast to the general depression of the time. The story is well developed but if would have fallen flat if the imagery would not have been so well done.

It is never easy to produce a story that is so serious, but Claymore rises to the challenge. It provides the action to support the characters, but also gave us a depth of character that makes us want so much more. The character development provided a great counter play between Clare and Raki. Having the male counterpart as the week gender was a lovely counterpunch that provided an emotional balance. Of course seeing all of the sisters battle such a powerful foe made them appear very week, and then seeing Clare take on the role as the most powerful sister points toward the secret that makes all the difference.

I guess you can tell that I liked this series. Well, yes I did and it was a great surprise to me. When I was first introduce to it, I thought it was just another one of the anime that is all about creating sexy Amazons. I found it to be nothing close to that. Yes, the artistry is beautiful, but the complex personalities that are introduced gives a richness to the series that is well worth being seen. My only real issue is that the series ended here, it should have gone further and provided a real conclusion to the story. I felt a little short changed.

There was an extra that provided commentary by the english dub actors who played Priscilla and Clare. It was entertaining but less than enlightening. I do like to hear what the actors felt about their characters and understand what they have to go through to bring the voice to life. This volume also provided a booklet that gives some of the character bios, information regarding the Awakened Beings and Artist renderings and settings. It is well done and adds just a little cherry to the top.

I can only say that if you are a Claymore fan then I know you will get this, but if you are not sure if it is for you, I would give the series a chance and you might find that it will be one of the best choices you made in a while.

ComicsOnline gives Claymore: Chapter 6, The Awakening, 5 out of 5 Dead Yomas.


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