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DVD Review: RomeoXJuliet Vol.2



Just, wow.


After the end of Vol.1 I didn’t know how the second half would be. I am not disappointed after the cliff hanger ending with Vol.1. This volume would have been just as perfect if it were just a political drama anime, but to take that concept and put it in a Shakespearian story was brilliant!







I really enjoyed how the author of this version not only puts a new spin on the “Romeo and Juliet” story but manages to add some elements to the story to flesh out the characters so that there isn’t just the base story that everyone already knows. Not only does everyone know that Romeo and Juliet ran off together, but Romeo gets himself exiled to a mine for questioning Prince Montague. During Romeo’s growth as a man, Juliet and her friends flee Neo Verona and hide out in a nearby town, where Juliet learns of the origins of both Tybalt and Laertes Montague. The first disk ends with the Capulet loyalists preparing for war against Prince Montague.




This disk continues on with the build up that Disk1 started and then nicely ties up all the threads of plot together into a beautiful tapestry of conflict. With Juliet bringing her Red Whirlwind character back from the dead, to showing how far Laertes Montague will go to maintain his control over Neo Verona, to explaining just what the Great Tree Escalus is and does. The ending was nicely done and even though everyone knows the ending to the source material, it is still a touching ending that will be moving for everyone.



I just loved this half of the story. Even though the ending is something everyone should know, I still grew to care for the characters and hoped for the best with the others. I respected the ending, even though I thought it was getting a little weird Juliet grew wings. WINGS!!!!! Trust me, it makes sense in context but still it was odd that it just came out of nowhere. And the fights were beautifully drawn and animated. Also the dual between Romeo and Juliet, again in context it makes sense, was touching and drawn well. You could really understand the torment going on in Juliet’s heart. A really touching scene is during the ending credits: it involves the side characters that managed to survive going about their lives in a time skip. This series is a must watch for anyone whether they like Shakespeare’s work or not.


ComicsOnline gives RomeoXJuliet Vol.2 5 out 5 Glowing Fruits of the Great Tree.


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