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Blu-Ray Review: The Hannibal Lecter Collection

The Hannibal Lecter Collection
assembles the first three appearances of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Manhunter, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal.


Manhunter centers on F.B.I. agent and profiler Will Graham (William Peterson – C.S.I.) who has been brought in to profile a serial killer dubbed “The Tooth Fairy” (Tom Noonan – Knockaround Guys). The murders happen in various parts of the country but there is a common M.O., the female victims are savagely bitten by the same teeth and they occur in a lunar cycle. Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Brian Cox – X2) is introduced in the minor role of consultant on this case. Will is also the one that caught Lecter and has the physical and emotional scars to prove it. Will Graham puts himself in his subjects’ frame of mind, and this case weighs heavy on him. It seems he’s the best at what he does and he caught the good doctor, retired and now is submerged in the Tooth Fairy case. This case isn’t as simple as it could be, and Lecter takes great delight in toying with Will and dragging him further into the case. Jack Crawford (Dennis Farina – Law and Order) as the F.B.I. supervisor, tabloid reporter Freddy Lounds (Stephen Lang – Fire Down Below), Reba McClane (Joan Allen – Face Off) as someone’s love interest, and Wills’ wife Molly (Kim Greist – Throw Mama from the Train) round out the cast.

I like this movie for several reasons. One is the look and feel of the film. Being made in the 80s’ and produced and written by Michael Mann there is a remarkable resemblance to Miami Vice, including thin ties, mullets, and that blue light that is used at night. Also, this doesn’t have the standard dark, ominous feel of most serial killer flicks. This one is brightly lit with modern architecture, so the suspense is disguised. But there’s no hiding the menace emitted from the “Tooth Fairy” Francis Dollarhyde when he’s on screen, whether he’s going about his daily routine or going off on a rant as he tortures someone.

ComicsOnline gives Manhunter 4 profilers out of 5

Next in the collection is the award winning Silence of the Lambs. This movie introduces us to the psychopathic evil that is Hannibal Lecter.
The sequel to The Red Dragon/ Manhunter gives us more of Hannibal Lecter's history

There’s another serial killer on the loose who is kidnapping young, overweight women, skinning them and dumping them in the river. He has been dubbed “Buffalo Bill” (Ted Levine – Monk), and F.B.I. cadet Clarice Starling (Jodi Foster – Maverick) has been brought in to assist with the case and act as go between with the agency and Dr. Lecter (Anthony Hopkins – Dracula). Lecter's role has been expanded in this flick as it seems that he has direct knowledge of the identity of this killer. Things heat up when Catherine Martin (Brooke Smith – Grey’s Anatomy), daughter of Senator Ruth Martin (Diane Baker – The Cable Guy), is taken. And the pressure is increased to get to Lecter for the identity of ‘Bill’.
But of course nothing comes easy where Hannibal Lecter is concerned. The more information he’s given on the case, the more he toys with Clarice and the more cryptic and confusing the clues to the identity of “Buffalo Bill” become. It culminates when prison director Dr. Chilton (Anthony Heald – Accepted) arranges a transfer for Lecter in exchange for information on the senator's daughter's whereabouts to further his career, but is played by Lecter for his own gains.

This is a good movie mainly because it is follows the book closely, but it also crafts a villain that is completely unaffected by the evils that he commits. He knows what he does is wrong to society, but he considers himself above society’s rules. Sounds like a cultured version of Batman's Joker to me. But this is a well crafted story that creates situations and characters that make us feel something towards them. And that is what throws us off balance, sometimes you feel the victim doesn’t deserve to be saved. And when Dr. Lecter is treated badly you feel sympathy for him.

ComicsOnline gives Silence of the Lambs 4 trainees out of 5.

The last movie in this collection is Hannibal. Taking place several years after Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter follows Agent Starling's (Julianne Moore – Boogie Nights) waning career, and Hannibal Lecter's start of a career as a museum curator in Italy. While Clarice's career is being deliberately destroyed to draw Dr. Lecter out of hiding by F.B.I. Agent Paul Krendler (Ray Liotta – Smokin’ Aces), who is also working for mutilated survivor Mason Verger (Gary Oldman – Dracula, The Dark Knight). Mason wants revenge and has used his fortune to get assistance from people in important places, like the F.B.I., and to offer rewards for the capture of the doctor.
While this is happening in the states Inspector Renaldo Pazzi (Giancarlo Giannini – Quantum of Solace) of the Italian police has discovered that Hannibal Lecter is in his city and trying to gain employment. He also realizes that there is a substantial reward out for his capture.
Plans and intrigue follow but as we know any plans to do with Hannibal Lecter rarely go off flawlessly, and a trail of bodies is left in the wake of Lecter as he flees to rescue Clarice. Once in the states everyone has a plan. Some work, some don’t, but be assured that there are many twists and surprises left,

This is another movie that follows the book and that is the reason I don’t like this movie. Don’t get me wrong, this is a well written, finely crafted movie but the problem for me is the book. The book and the movie change pacing about halfway through, and the actions of characters seem to change also. I found it disconcerting and unsatisfying. That being said I watched Hannibal a second time and disassociated the characters from the franchise, and this is an intriguing movie on its own merits. A story that spans two countries and affects countless lives is surprisingly easy to follow.

ComicsOnline gives Hannibal 3½ government conspiracies out of 5.

There are no special features on this Blu-Ray set, but you do get three movies in the high definition format. The first three movies in the Hannibal Lecter saga are worth having collected together and in the vivid, crisp Blu-Ray format.

ComicsOnline gives the Hannibal Lecter Collection 4 psychotic madmen out of 5.


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Karl is an old but powerful mountain giant living in Idaho. He enjoys horror, heavy metal, and the Silver Surfer. Still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.