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Manga Review: Oishinbo a la carte, The Joy of Rice


Shiro Yamaoka faces challenges in a culinary way through knowledge both conventional and unconventional. In and out of the lunchbox so to speak. Along with Kurita Yuko and other co-workers, we see the essence of Japan through a education and celebration of their food; honoring the past, enjoying the present and looking to the future(through conservation).


Shiro Yamaoka is a culinary journalist and champion for a green earth. He’s there to save the culinary day. We learn from him that true genius may come in surprising packages and that good food can be perfection without being complex. There’s always another layer to be revealed. Then there’s a debate over brown versus white rice. Who knew rice was so complicated? We delve into all areas from cultivation through production and cooking, all the way to eating techniques. A bit of advice for Shiro, never compare any part of a woman to a vegetable. My favorite part was the Rice Ball match. It is especially enjoyable to see their enjoyment and reminiscences of Rice Balls. Kurita says,” …the Rice Ball is a very important subject.” ( I know what I want for dinner.) Don’t pass on the section “Notes on the Text”, it will have you wanting to read the whole book again.



I throughly enjoyed the graphics. The details in some of the scenes are minute and delightful. The pictures of the food were lovingly expressed and little works of art on their own. A great character is Tomil Tomio, Shirou’s co-worker who is great fun to provoke, wether in the natural course of things or on purpose. It would have been a lot less fun without him. This quote from the book sums him up, “Tomi-san only comes to work because of lunch!” The manga equivalent to American Good Eats with Alton Brown, Oishinbo is on my top ten list . I like to know the “Why?” of things and this book delivers answers. I loved every step.

ComicsOnline gives Oishinbo A la Carte: The Joy of Rice, 5 out of 5 perfect, beautiful grains of rice (and you can’t get any better than that).


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