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Manga Review: One Piece Volume 41


In One Piece, Volume 41, the confrontation between Straw Hats and CP9 heats up! With the fighting between the Galley-La Company and Ennis Lobby continuing from the last volume the fighting is intense, the pain is strong and the action is goofy – a phrase best used to describe this arc as well as all previous arcs of One Piece.

With Luffy's defeat of Blueno to the surprise of Spandam, the rest of the CP9 have been called to gather to confront the emerging Straw Hats. As the Galley-La continues to fight against the Ennis Lobby jury, the rest of the Straw Hats continue on their respective paths toward their common goal of gathering with Luffy and continuing their rescue attempt of Nico Robin and Franky. During the fighting, Franky makes his own attempt to freedom by using the Cola in his system to launch an attack that must be seen, as no words can adequately describe what he has done. Once all the Straw Hats meet back up and learn Robin's choice, we are shown Robin's past.

We are shown that twenty years ago, Robin was living a peaceful but unhappy life. She was unhappy due to her powers but happy due to the fact that she had become an archeologist at only 8 years old, in hopes of helping in dangerous research, if only to be closer to a loved one of hers. Unfortunately for her, the research is illegal and punishment by order of the World Government is death. Sadly, with the return of a lost loved one comes the World Government and with them, death. Following the flashback, the determination of Franky and his friends causes Robin's outlook to change and with that, the way is cleared for the Straw Hats to confront the CP9.

Even with half of this volume of One Piece drama-heavy, I was still enjoying the action that was there. There is much added to the story, not only in explaining how Nico Robin gained her bounty, but in also what she has had to go through her whole life from that point until she joined with Crocodile. In showing the destruction of her home island of Ohara, seeing the length the future Admirals would take to keep a secret hidden was especially tragic.

Watching Franky show just what a cola powered cyborg can do was a real shocker. Seeing him in action, he has become a new favorite of mine. Another tidbit I learned is that one hundred years are missing that the World Government is connected with – it raises questions that bring the world of One Piece to life.

ComicsOnline gives One Piece, Volume 41: 3 out of 5 Ponegliffs.

You can buy One Piece Volume 41 at now by clicking here!

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