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CC2010: Thursday- Adventures on the Con Floor

Although there was so much I wanted to get done on Thursday, a string of events made it near impossible to get to the convention center before 2:00pm. However, what I did manage to get through was definitely exciting! No panels got seen, but a thorough walkthrough of about half the convention center got done. 

The day started with immediately making my way to the Ugly Doll booth where creators David Horvath and wife Sun-Min Kim were signing. The booth was filled with the regular hundreds of plush dolls, as well as t-shirts, pins, action figures, stationary, stickers, and the brand new tote bags, all promoting (in some of the cutest ways) these Ugly Dolls. The signatures cost nothing, but I bought one of these tote bags because they were far too cute to pass up.
And Sun-Min Kim was very happy that my cousin and I asked her to sign in Korean, and smiled even more when we told her we could read it.
After that, the two of us proceeded to start at one end of the convention, and walk it aisle by aisle, just to see what we might want to come back and see later. What did we find? A couple booths of Steampunk clothes that we wasted no time in trying on. Who’s planning some Steampunk cosplays next year? We are!
Being fans of Resident Evil and like horror games, the Capcom booth was definitely one of our next stops. It was pretty difficult to get into the booth to play any of the demos they had set up, but the line on one side of the booth to pose in the Dead Rising 2 setup was actually quite short. When getting in, the person posing gets to sit atop a motorcycle, wear a replica of the jacket from the new game, and wield a bat embedded with nails against a horde of mindless zombies, aka the backdrop behind the motorcycle. If there’s any way I can get into the booth in the coming weekend, I will definitely tell how it is! As it is now, all I have are some pictures.
As much fun as the convention is, getting the free swag and seeing all the sights and taking all those pictures, one of my favorites was when my cousin pulled me through the crowd and towards a booth promoting Angelina Jolie’s new movie Salt, simply because they were giving away…water guns. This gun has by far become one of our favorite free things because now we can randomly hold each other up in the middle of an aisle. Or other people, as the case may be.
Overall, even though day one was short and kind of rushed because of the mere five hours we got to spend wandering the halls, it was still very, very fun. I can’t wait to see what the rest of this weekend brings us!

And be sure to keep ComicsOnline at the top of your favorites for all the latest in San Diego Comicon Coverage!


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