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SDCC 2010: Last day, Sunday!

The last day of Comic-Con, oh no! It always feels like Comic-Con ends far too soon and I am forced to pack up my swag and go back home with four days of new memories and all kinds of fun. Sentimentality aside, though, Sunday was a great day! Panels were still on the rather lacking side, but autograph signings – ahoy!
The day started out with snapping a few more pictures of the Ghost Adventures guys, though not actually standing in line this time. However, Zack seemed either happy enough, or annoyed enough that I wasn’t standing in line, to wave at me while I was taking these few photos. After my last encounter with him, I really wasn’t sure what to think. However, photo evidence!

After that, I had a couple of hours to walk around before heading over to the Dark Horse booth to have my sister’s Emily the Strange books signed for her. While I was wandering through the aisles of book publisher booths, I happened to run across Seth Grahame-Smith (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer), though I was just in time to be behind the last person in line. But Seth was absolutely pleased when I told him I was a fan of his works and asked for a picture with him, which he was more than happy to do for me.

And then it was on to Dark Horse, where one of the authors of Emily the Strange, Rob Reger, was signing. The line was long, and for being maybe tenth in line, it seemed to be taking strangely forever to get to the front. As it turns out, there were photographs being taken at the front with two cat girls representing the series, and Rob was not only signing, but drawing pictures in the books! He was so friendly, even when I’d told him that I was getting these signed for my sister (he said I was a good sister. Who am I to argue?).

The day pretty much ended with the one and only panel I managed to make it to that didn’t get cancelled, and that was for the Winner Twins, Brianna and Britney. Theirs is an interesting story. These twin girls were born eleven weeks early due to extreme complications with their mother’s pregnancy. As they grew up, they were in and out of the hospital, and were later diagnosed with dyslexia, and one of the girls with ADD. Being each other’s only true friends, they would create worlds and characters together, and eventually managed to sit down and write their first book with the help of Dad.


Their book is also being made into a film.


The true end of my day came from the Square Enix booth where I made my big purchase of the year. Unfortunately, I wandered the convention floor looking for anything that grabbed my eye that I absolutely must have in my possession, but nothing really jumped out at me like that (perhaps beyond the Steampunk clothing and jewelry, but that was far out of my budget!), so I ended up with this, which I think will look nice on my shelf.

If you’re envious enough that you’d like one too, just head on over to the Square Enix online store, and you can get one just like it!
This pretty much concluded my Comic-Con year. Hopefully with better planning, next year will be much better and I’ll be able to get into more of the panels that sound interesting to me. To wrap this up, have some more cosplay photos.



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