
– Everything Geek Pop Culture!

Month: July 2010

SDCC 2010: Last day, Sunday!

The last day of Comic-Con, oh no! It always feels like Comic-Con ends far too soon and I am forced to pack up my swag and go back home with four days of new memories and all kinds of fun. Sentimentality aside, though, Sunday was a great day! Panels were still on the rather lacking side, but autograph signings – ahoy!
The day started out with snapping a few more pictures of the Ghost Adventures guys, though not actually standing in line this time. However, Zack seemed either happy enough, or annoyed enough that I wasn’t standing in line, to wave at me while I was taking these few photos. After my last encounter with him, I really wasn’t sure what to think. However, photo evidence!

Handheld Gaming News: New Mystery Game to Release for Nintendo DS!

O-Games Announces Mystery Tales Time TravelTM Coming to Nintendo DS This September!

Uncover clues as you travel through time to solve the ultimate mystery!

O-Games, a new publisher of family, social and sports videogames, and part of OG International Ltd., announced today that Mystery Tales Time Travel™ is coming to the Nintendo DS™ system on September 14, 2010. Travel through time while exploring some of the world’s most exotic places as you piece together the puzzle in the hopes to solve the ultimate mystery!


Blu-ray Review: Batman Under the Red Hood

“You really think I would stir up so much trouble and not make sure you knew it was me?”

SDCC 2010: Friday’s Adventures!

Friday at Comicon was, for me, slightly less eventful than Thursday, being unable to get into any panels that I wanted to. So I ended up spending the few hours I was there trying to cover the convention floor and finish scouring out who was going to be there and what booths I’d still like to come back later. It’s crazy that it took just over two days to see everything, but I still love every minute I’m there.

Interviews Videos

CC2010: Interview with Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer from Venture Bros

Kroze gets up close and personal with Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer from the Venture Bros at Comic-Con 2010! Check out the video:

Interviews Videos

CC2010: EXCLUSIVE Interview with Stargate SG-1’s Christopher Judge

This year at Comic-Con, our very own Kroze Kresky was able to get an EXCLUSIVE interview with Stargate actor Christopher Judge!

Check out the interview below:

CC2010: Green Latern Panel Coverage from WB

Warner Bros has released a great video with Green Lantern highlights from Comic-Con 2010:

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more Green Lantern and Comic-Con coverage!


Blu-ray Review: Clash of the Titans


Your journey does not end well, Perseus.


Movie News: “Batman: Under the Red Hood” is available everywhere today, July 27. New Clip!


"Batman: Under the Red Hood" is available everywhere today, July 27.

The eighth entry in the ongoing series of DC Universe Animated
Original PG-13 Movies is being distributed by Warner Home Video. The
film screened to a packed house of 4,250 fans at the recently
concluded Comic-Con International in San Diego.

Produced by Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros.
Animation, "Batman: Under the Red Hood" is available as a Special
Edition version on Blu-Ray™ and 2-disc DVD, as well as being available
on single disc DVD, On Demand and for Download.

Below you will find an official clip from "Batman: Under the
Red Hood."