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NYCC 2010: All-Star Superman and Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Adam Panel

Warner Brothers Home Video and NYCC put on a presentation of their next two upcoming projects Superman/Shazam Return of Black Adam and All Star Superman. The event was Moderated by Gary Miereanu. Our guests were Executive Producer Bruce Timm (everything DC Animated) and Writer Michael Jelenic (Wonder Woman, Batman Brave and the Bold, and the forthcoming Thundercats).

The panel opened up and we were shown clips from both All Star Superman and from Superman/Shazam. Casting was discussed from both projects. Superman/Shazam features the voice talents of Jerry O'Connell(Defenders, Stand By Me, Sliders) as Captain Marvel, Arnold Vosloo as Black Adam, George Newbern reprises his role as Superman and James Garner is the voice of the Wizard Shazam!.

The following Clips contain descriptions of what was shown and should be considered to be Spoiler-ish. You've been warned. 🙂

The clips:
Clip 1 Superman/Shazam
Superman protecting Billy Batson who has not yet become Captain Marvel from Black Adam. At first the two seem evenly matched and almost identical until the two combatants demonstrate what separates them.

Clip 2 Superman/Shazam
Billy meets the Wizard Shazam at The Rock of Eternity.

Clip 3 Superman/Shazam
Billy versus Black Adam and discovers his abilities and has a few moments of discovery with humorous results.

Clip 4 The first 5 and a half minutes of All Star Superman
A quick recap of how Superman came to be played against a space craft entering the sun's obit hurling towards disaster. The Daily Planet is shown as a "female" character stares out a window as a window washer cleans, while Lois types away that Superman saves the crew of the doomed space vessel. Another reporter comments that, the event has not yet happened and Lois says she always write her Superman stories before they happen and they always turn out right. Lois comments that she needs the size of the Sun. The female looking out the window is revealed to be Jimmy Olsen in drag which leads the male reporter to ask if he's working under cover to which Jimmy says "No" seeming confused by the question.

We see a character who we come to see is Lex Luthor in some kind of simulator suit. A General come out and tells Luthor that this isn't why they let him out of Jail. Luthor seems to be having two separate conversations which will make more sense momentarily.

On the ship one of the researchers suddenly mutates and becomes a monstrous figure determined to sabotage the craft. The lines the creatures speaks are the lines Lex Spoke that didn't make sense with the General. The suit Lex is wearing is a control device for this monster that Lex is using to manipulate things to his benefit for an environmental claim Lex made almost two years earlier. Superman shows up and pulls the Monster off the craft as the two hurdle toward the Sun. The researchers are beginning to succomb to the temperatures on the craft and Superman extends his personal force field to pull the craft back away from the Sun.

Clip 5 was Superman dealing with Atlas and Samson who are competing with Superman for the heart of Lois Lane. Pretty fun and a little romantic.

Clip 6 was a scene involving Lex and Clark Kent in a prison with the Parasite and things go horribly wrong.

Clip 7 was of Superman and an army of droids preparing for what Superman expects to be his final mission.

The production of the films looks great. Bruce Timm spoke about the challenges of bringing Frank Quietly art to animation. Said when it's done wrong the characters end up looking like bags of potatoes.

Credited Sam Liu for his way of thinking about the shots and angles used. Timm said he likes what Sam does even thought at times he thinks he's over analyzing it.

They talked about how James Garner was brought in to play The Wizard and Timm said his car has a MAVROCK license plate. A Nod to two of his most iconic roles as Maverick and Rockford.

Fans asked lots of questions with multiple fans claiming they came other countries and learned English through the DC Animated cartoons. Another fan said that she loved the features for Superman Batman Apocalypse and Kingdom Come which had a few people scratching their heads since Kingdom Come has not and looks like it'll never be produced.

Fans wanted to know how Bruce Timm felt about Batman Beyond now being used in the comic continuity. He said it was nice but that he had nothing to do with it.. Reiterated that they'd like to visit that world at some point perhaps as part of something else.

Seemed Annoyed by another question about Teen Titans The Judas Contract. Said he'd answer it since he feels he has the answer memorized now from repeating it. (I asked him about this in the private press room only 40 minutes earlier.)

A fan said he had a request and awkwardly eventually said he wanted Deathstroke Vs. Nightwing in some format. (I agree personally) Bruce kind of scratched his head at this one and seemed confused by the request. I think it was probably more about not knowing where that would fit in with the currently known projects.

All in all the upcoming DC Animated projects look great.


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