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MegaCon 2011: DC Universe

Dan Didio, Geoff Johns, Tony Bedard, Steve Scott, Rob Hunter and Ethan Van Sciver were all present to discuss the DC Universe at MegaCon.

Geoff Johns said he’d be writing a new Aquaman series but said he could not say more then that. Didio asked fans not to ask what happens after Flashpoint because it had stopped a previous panel. Via phone Peter J Tomasi said that fans would be very happy with the ending of Brightest Day.

We were told that we would learn who had been chosen as the White Lantern’s champion in the coming week. They thanked fans for having stuck through the series and again siad the payoff will be in the conclusion. They were glad to have brought back Maxwell Lord in Justice League: Generation Lost. Didio said theres so much potential with him as a character.

The conversation switched over to War of the Green Lanterns. Bedard said what is cool about this story is that we’ve seen them dealing with external threats but now we will begin seeing problems from with the corps itself.

Steve Scott will be taking over art chores on Batman from Tony Daniel who will continue writing but needed a break from Art duties. This is all in an effort to keep publishing books on time. They are incredibly committed to getting books out in a timely manner.

Gary Frank is halfway through Batman: Earth One and it will hit stands about the same time at the sequel to Superman: Earth One.

Discussing Action Comics #900 Didio was very proud to put out this book saying it is a true issue 900 having been continued

to be published since 1938. Tne focus will be bringing back Superman since he has been out of the book for some time and they felt Doomsday was the best way to make that possible.

A fan thanked DC for the motto Holding the line at $2.99 and for staying true to that. Didio said they would do that for as long as possible but said it may not last forever. He promised it would continue throughout 2011. He said they did this because they were seeing people making tough choices last year. Fans were not dropping a book but groups of books.  He also said that all of the DC creative staff are committed to creating the best books for the best price.

Cancellatons were discussed and REBELS in particular was mentioned. Other books including Batwoman and Static have been postponed for now but will come out later this year when some more build up will lead into the introduction of these books.

The Static Special will be dedicated to Dwayne McDuffie.

The remainder of the panel was Johns discussing briefly the Green Lantern film saying that Sinestro is stealing the show.



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Once a proud bartender who ruled the five boroughs with his magic shaker, T has now retired to Florida to train the next generation of mixologists.