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MegaCon 2011: Aquaman Book to be written by Geoff Johns

Geoff Johns announced at Megacon that he will be writing a new Aquaman series later this year following the events of Brightest Day.

What does this mean for the other heroes who have recently been disintegrated by the White Lantern? Hawkman and Hawkgirl fans can only hope that good news is around the corner. Can Geoff Johns do for Aquaman what he has done for Green Lantern and The Flash? Only time will tell, but Aquaman may be Johns’ greatest challenge yet. It has not been firmly established whether this will be a ongoing or a limited series.

Is it possible that Aquaman will be the chosen champion of the White Lantern?

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more news from Megacon and for everything geek pop culture!


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Once a proud bartender who ruled the five boroughs with his magic shaker, T has now retired to Florida to train the next generation of mixologists.