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SDCC 2013: ROBOCOP Panel Coverage

Robocop 2014

by Sean Wells, Guest Reporter

Here are some quick highlights from the ROBOCOP portion of the Sony Hall H panel from Friday at SDCC 2013:

  • Robocop is a remake of the original (released 1987). They took the concept of the original and brought it to the present (focusing on modern technology).
  • Robocop discusses how robots and drones are used for foreign policies and how they can be useful if they were brought to our home, the United States.
  • One major conflict is that robots do not feel what it’s like to take a human life; they shouldn’t be allowed to take one.
  • Robots feel no fatigue, which makes them ideal for law enforcement; machines are corruption free.
  • With science and technology, we are able to implant devices into our bodies to help us hear, ect. The future of this concept means that people in the future will be part machine.
  • One of the main differences from the original film is that Alex Murphy doesn’t die; Omnicorp manages to save his life. As a result, Alex has an internal battle over AI and his own soul/humanity.
  • It’s also a tremendous love story. Alex has a wife and a child. Alex is affected on a deeper level and it’s interesting how those emotions can take over the robot aspect of him.
  • The reason they left his hand is because that’s how you greet people; you shake hands. So, it’s to give the perception that this is a human inside a machine. Omnicorp needs to sell that idea to have robots at home (US).
  • The visor Robocop wears is only down during action scenes or when he’s pissed. The visor is up during most social interactions.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.