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E3 2010: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword News


First Details!

For many a generation of gamers who have owned Nintendo consoles, Zelda has always been a household name, bringing with it great adventure, stunning gameplay and head scratching puzzles (HATE THE WATER TEMPLE!! HATE! HATE!!!!!!! HAAAAAATTTTTTEEEEEEE!!!!!!!). They are the games which make the hardcore drool with anticipation just knowing that when it arrives, we will be in pure gaming nirvana for the next 20 or so hours 'til it is complete and are left staring at our television screens, controller firmly gripped in hand, mouth wide open in awe. These are the games that make it completely worth it to be a gamer and justifies our hobby's existance.

Nintendo is now set to bring us yet another epic tale starring Link, Zelda, the Gorons, the Zoras, and the whole gang with the first Wii Zelda game: Skyward Sword.

Now I know what a lot of you are saying: "But Kroze, Zelda had a Wii game already! Twilight Princess! Remember?". Well, you are right and you are wrong.  Although Twilight Princess was on the Wii and was a launch title, it was just a (mirrored) port of the Gamecube version. It was not built to take full advantage of the Wii and was always meant to be the GC's second Zelda. Skyward Sword is very much different. Using the Motion Plus adapter for the Wiimote, this game focuses on combat heavily with close to 1:1 sword movements and attacks as well as learning how and when to strike your foes. I was quite surprised with how much strategy the combat took and how complex it was, especially after the rumors going around about how this Zelda would have simplified controls.

The graphical style is very unique, taking the best from the cell shaded style of Wind Waker and combining it with the grown up look and feel of Twilight Princess which gives it a very Don Bluth-esque feel to the game world. Characters and enemies are extremely well animated and it feels great to swing the Wiimote and watch Link swing it exactly the same way. It really makes you feel like you ARE Link on this epic quest.

So far there is not much word on what the story is or its release date other than 2011, but I am more than ready to be once again sucked back into the world of Hyrule for another timeless journey!

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for screens and video and everything geek pop culture!

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