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Lex Luthor: 7 Casting Choices


by Mary Anne Butler, Editor/Reporter/Photographer


I’m sure you’ve seen by now, Jesse Eisenberg has been named by Warner Brothers as Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman.  That’s right, Eisenberg from The Social Network will be playing the “greatest criminal mind of our age.”  So of course this means only one thing, time for my offerings for other actors who could do the role justice.

Bryan Cranston.  Overwhelmingly the fan favorite.  Fresh off the acclaimed award winning success of Breaking Bad, we thought this was a done deal.  It was rumored several months ago, and most of the online community was behind this choice, with several notable exceptions as always.  My favorite line I’ve heard today though?  “SNYDER WE SAID HEISENBERG, NOT EISENBERG.”

Mark Strong.  Not only was he the first name on my personal list, but everyone I asked said his name first if not second.  Is it just the strong bald look he’s carried for so long?  No, not really.  Ok well, it’s not ONLY that.  In every role I’ve seen him tackle as a antagonist, he is masterful in his delivery of terrible things.  We don’t know what the basic underlying story of Batman vs Superman will be, but we do know it will be closer to a JLA (Justice League of America) than anything else.

(not really, so he doesn’t count in the 7) Michael Rosenbaum.  What?  I loved Smallville.  With how many seasons to explore the complex love/hate relationship of Supes and Lex, Michael really took us on the journey of Luthor, and at times we were actually rooting for him to win.

Jason Isaacs.  While Lucius Malfoy sported the best head of hair this side of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series, there was no doubting his mad ability to incite riot in his followers, lead an army, and royally fuck up life for our hero whenever possible.

Terry O’Quinn.  Evil smoke monster!  Come on, his stint as John Locke on Lost was enough to make the hairs on my arms stand up half the time, and I could never decide if I wanted him to die a fiery death or win the ongoing battle of good vs evil.

Clancy Brown.  He’s actually logged more times playing the bald menace than anyone else (minus Rosenbaum’s 10 seasons of Smallville).  He’s one of the voices we most associate with Luthor, aside from Gene Hackman’s iconic portrayal in the Christopher Reeves films.

William Fichtner.  With those cold calculating eyes, tell me you couldn’t see the last son of Krypton going toe to toe with him?  He’s one of my favorite actors to have show up in a film, you always know things are gonna happen when he’s on your screen.

James Spader.  Currently on The Blacklist, he is a villainous mastermind hell bent on bringing all kinds of chaos to light with his methodical chess playing with the military.  Set and match.

Who should be the next Lux Luthor

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