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DVD Review: Dead Like Me: Life After Death

Remember the reapers? The Dirty Harry meter maid Roxy (Jasmine Guy – A Different World), actress Daisy (Laura Harris – The Faculty), English slacker Mason(Callum Blue – The Tudors), and newest to the grim reaper ranks, toilet seat girl (remember she was killed by a space station toilet seat), Georgia, “George” Lass (Ellen Muth – Dolores Clairborne), with Rube (Mandy Patinkin – Alien Nation) as the leader of this group.

Five years ago, the final installment was the Halloween/ flashback/ serial killer episode, but previously everyone was dealing with some sort of personal crisis. Rube was dealing with unresolved issues from his past, Mason and Daisy had killed a man in self defense, and he became an evil graveling, George was having Halloween flashbacks concerning the serial killer, and Roxy is, well, Roxy.

Now five years has passed and Dead Like Me: Life After Death begins with Der Waffle Haus having burned to the ground, and Rube is missing. Laura Harris is replaced as Daisy by Sarah Wynter (24), but no seems to notice. Rube is replaced by corporate hotshot Cameron Kane (Henry Ian Cusick – Lost), who is more concerned with petty amusements then the business of reaping. And because he isn’t keeping control the reapers make mistakes. Mason begins drinking and stealing during reaps, Daisy begins drinking and loses focus of what’s important, Roxy botches a reap, and George is given a wrong time for a reap and contacts her sister. Then things get really bad before our merry band take action to fix the problem.

Dead Like Me was a quirky, dark comedy shown on Showtime in 2003/2004 and is in syndication on Sci-Fi and Universal HD. The series started with Georgia “George” Lass, college dropout and aimless slacker, returning from lunch to her temp job, when she is killed by a toilet seat from a space station. Just before her demise, she is touched someone, and that same someone assists her with her new role as reaper. Just before someone dies, they are touched by a reaper for the express reason of collecting their souls so they can be guided into their afterlife. The series focus’ on the adventures the reapers have in dealing with having to have lives and jobs, as well as making their reaps on time. Rube receives the list of people that will die, as well as when and where, then he make assignments to the group on yellow post-it-notes, handed out during breakfast at Der Waffle Haus. Other recurring characters worth noting are sister Regina “Reggie“ Lass (Britt McKillip – in the movie), mother Joy (Cynthia Stevenson – in the movie), dad Clancy (Greg Kean), Happy Time temp agency boss Delores Herbig (Christine Willes – in the movie).
Dead Like Me: Life After Death provides closure, especially for George and Reggie, but also sets up for the possibility of further installments. I thoroughly enjoyed this companion piece to the series and feel that if more are made they can fit in seamlessly and not ruin the integrity, and if not, at least there was closure for the characters. If you like the series you must see this.

ComicsOnline gives Dead Like Me: Life After Death 4 re-entering toilet seats out of 5.


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Karl is an old but powerful mountain giant living in Idaho. He enjoys horror, heavy metal, and the Silver Surfer. Still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.