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TV Review: Primeval – Series 5 – Episode 2

“It’s a liopleurodon Charlie! A magical liopleurodon.” – Charlie the Unicorn

Get ready, because the ARC team must face its greatest challenge yet: a liopleurodon is loose in the present! Can the team get this creature back through the anomaly? With the threat of other countries learning about the anomalies, Lester must face off against military intervention. Can he stop a determined General from blowing up the anomaly before his team can return?

Beware of Minor Spoilers!

This episode was a fun adventure for the team as they had to face off against a pre-historic threat by using a submarine! Abby is still dealing with the new information that Matt provided at the end of the series premiere, and must figure out what part she will play in stopping the dystopian future from occurring. Connor unknowingly is tricked down a dark path with his work with Philip Burton, who seems to be the one who will ultimately cause the destruction of the world as we know it. 

Series 5 of Primeval is shaping up to be a solid set of episodes. We are finally getting answers about Matt and his role with the ARC team. Connor’s slow corruption by Burton is interesting to watch and is keeping the momentum of the series strong. 


Official Episode 2 Description:

When a nuclear submarine encounters an anomaly and prehistoric marine creature, Liopleurodon, in the sea, the team are called aboard to help. They soon find themselves under attack once more, and get sucked back through an anomaly, with Liopleurodons damaging the outside of the sub. The team must not only capture the panicked Eustreptospondylus aboard, but fix the sub exterior in order to get home. 

Episode 2 premieres Saturday, November 19, 9:00pm ET/PT.


ComicsOnline gives Primeval – Series 5 – Episode 2 – 3.5 out of 5 awesome creatures from time!


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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.