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steve rogers

Editorial: Why I’m Still Team Cap… but…

by Marc Lutz, Reporter So now that we’ve all seen Captain America: Civil War, I’m writing this new article on why I’m STILL Team Cap. Please keep in mind that this is an opinion piece and it’s speaking towards the…

Editorial: Team Cap

by Marc Lutz, Editor Before I get started, please keep in mind that first and foremost, Captain America: Civil War has not yet been released, and second, that this is an opinion piece. If you don’t like my opinions, that’s fine;…

Movie Review: Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

by Chelsea Dee, Editor-at-Large I’ve been trying to come up with an excuse for why it took me so long to write about Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, and I think the answer is that only with distance could I…