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DVD Review: Air: The Motion Picture

 On a small island just off of the mainland of Japan, a tale of legendary winged people brings a vail of mystery over the island. Yukito – a traveling puppeteer with telekinetic abilities – finds himself on this small island, hoping to earn enough from the upcoming festival to last him a long while. Unfortunately, he arrived on the island a week early. With no place to stay, he walks about the beach and nearby playgrounds, preforming small shows for the local kids (who in turn pay him). But, one day he sees this girl fall off her bike. At first he just keeps walking, but almost immediately after the girl got back on her bike, she falls again. Yukito decides to ask if she needs help and he ends up escorting her to different places around the island while she researches about it’s history, and the story of Princess Kanna. The girl was grateful for his help that she offers him a place to stay. Yukito agrees and before he knows it, he falls in love with the girl, Misuzu. Yukito’s mother told him of a girl he was to look for, someone only he could save. Misuzu’s health is declining and the doctors don’t know why, but Misuzu has a hunch it’s because of her feelings towards others. This curse goes back to an ancient ancestor of Misuzu’s, the Princess Kanna who was the daughter of an immortal winged woman, she ordered to be locked up by the emperor himself, cursed to never love without peace. This is a vital part of the curse hanging over Misuzu. Yukito discovers this secret and tries his best to break the spell. Unfortunately, some things in life can not be overcome.

The story was interesting and I liked how it unfolded throughout the movie. The animation was a little confusing, switching from still frame, blackout, and flowing images. Also, I defiantly believed that some moments were dragged out for way to long. This movie is not for people who like fast action, it’s very calm and peaceful. This slow pace helped me to understand what was going on, and even discover what was happening in the story line and plot. There were a lot of things to learn in this movie, for example: letting the bad things not effect you. Overall I enjoyed the movie. There weren’t any extra other than trailers. I do wish there was more to discover about the story and it would have been nice to get some insight from the director or more back story information. The animation was beautiful and vibrant. It is very difficult to mad a sad story and have it make you to want more, but Air is just one of those stories. Well written and produced, also with visually attractive draw the viewer to wanting more.

ComicsOnline gives Air: The Motion Picture 4 out of 5 stuffed Chibi Dinosaurs.


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