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TV Review: Stargate Universe “Space”

Stargate Universe returns from its Winter break with a huge, energetic comeback. After having a large amount of setup and character development in the first half of the season, fans immediately get the payoff that we have been waiting for. Stargate Universe is here…and damn is it impressive.

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When we last left the crew of the Destiny, we found Col. Young leaving the ever scheming Dr. Rush stranded upon an alien planet with Destiny taking off into hyperspace. We open the episode with Young not sleeping well and being greatly bothered by his marooning of Rush and several others upon the ship such as Camile Wray, questioning of what really happened between the two men down upon the planet's surface.

Col. Young is about to make a report back to Earth when something goes horribly awry with the communication stones and he lands up in a spaceship… within an alien body. From there the episode takes off with many MANY twists and turns as well as returning Dr. Rush to the crew of the Destiny in a very smart way which doesn't feel shoehorned in like many previous resolutions to Stargate cliffhangers. There is a lot of great development for Col. Young in this episode which Justin Louis just takes it and runs with it.

We finally get our first epic space battle of the series with amazing special effects and CGI to it which is some of the most impressive CGI the entire Stargate franchise has pulled off.

Speaking of impressive CGI, the aliens are fully CGI in this episode and their looks, movements and interactions with the actual actors of the cast is quite impressive and up there with some motion picture CGI creatures. Even vaguely resembling the Prawn from last summer's District 9.
It really feels like the series has found its place and pacing finally after a somewhat uneven start to the season. I highly look forward to seeing what else this series has to show to us for the rest of the year.

ComicsOnline gives Stargate Universe "Space" 5 out of 5 awesome CGI aliens.

Stay tuned to ComicsOnline for more coverage of Stargate Universe!


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