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TV Review: Stargate Universe – “Aftermath”

Stargate Universe
continues it's second season with tonight's episode "Aftermath".

Spoiler Alert!


Dr Rush finally unlocks the master code of the Destiny which grants him access to the bridge! Tensions on board the ship are running high when food and water supplies start running low, causing Rush to make some executive decisions to give the crew access to potential supplies on a nearby planet. His actions have serious repercussions as the planet he chooses is in fact more dangerous than it appears. With a shuttle damaged and a crew member critically injured, Rush and Young must find a way to help their team before they lose another friend. Meanwhile, Wray begins to do individual interviews to see which, if any, of the Lucian Alliance crew can be trusted.

Robert Carlyle gets a lot of screen time this episode as Rush takes center stage. As Carlyle told us at Comic-Con 2010, Rush makes the bridge discovery on his own and decides to keep the secret to himself. In order to cope with the stress of his new discovery, he turns to some old (and maybe imaginary) friends for help. This new dynamic could really setup some interesting stories as the season progresses and ties back into more of the mythology aspects of SGU.

Since the show began, many fans have made the very obvious comparisons between SGU and Star Trek: Voyager, and with the addition of the Lucian Alliance crew on the ship, there are even more parallels that can be drawn. This new situation is very reminiscent of the situations involving the Maquis and Starfleet crews having to integrate after being stranded lightyears away from home. I am excited about the new additions to the cast, as they have already proven to add a great dynamic to the already impressive team on the show, but I am more excited to see the creative team take these characters in a new and interesting direction.

Riley, who as fans know has really gotten the short end of the stick since coming to the Destiny, is stuck in another bad situation as he becomes critically injured on the shuttle that headed to the supply planet. Haig Sutherland, who portrays Riley, gets some very powerful moments with Col. Young towards the end of the episode. I really don't want to give away what happens to our second-string hero, but needless to say, don't miss what happens tonight on SGU.

ComicsOnline gives Stargate Universe "Aftermath" 4 out of 5 sad moments.

Check out our Comic-Con 2010 interviews with the cast and crew from Stargate Universe.


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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.