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NYCC2011: Venture Bros Panel and Press Conference Coverage

“We have Nothing for you. So much Nothing, especially for you.” ~Venture Bros Creators to us. And that is exactly what most of the panel was. Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick, the creators of Venture Bros, were highly unprepared, except for the questions that were submitted to them. This doesn’t mean it was a “bad” panel, it was entertaining, and despite there being several off-topic derailings by the two,  there was also some information given about the actual show.

The most important is that there is a return of Venturestein! Along with the fact that Doc and Jackson have written 4 scripts already, and will most likely have Season 5 ready to premiere by fall of 2012. Some miscellaneous information was given, giving us the impression that there might be a Hatred figure due to massive requests for it. They have confirmed that there is no easter egg on the Season 1 DVD, and if there was, it would just be the Monarch laughing. Jackson has also been trying to put a line for Hank of “Stop wasting all my time time!” but ends up cutting it out. Though he will put it in sooner or later, apparently.

Only being able to attend the last 20 minutes of theVenture Bros Press interview, the only really important information that was given is that there will never be a musical episode, since Doc hates musicals. Also, if they could, there would be much more fisting jokes and that the only way 21 and Dr Mrs The Monarch would be together is that there would be fisting all the time or else it wouldn’t be “romantic”.

With everything said and done, both of these events can be wrapped up with Doc’s quote from the panel: “It will happen on the show if it happens. Next question!”

Stay tuned to for more Venture Bros and NYCC coverage as well as everything geek pop culture!


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