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Warner Bros. Finally Names Superman/Batman Movie

By Kim Filchak

It is official, we have a title. The sequel to Man of Steel has been given a name, and like most names chosen by those that abide in Hollywood it is not one most would have guessed. Drum roll please, ladies and gentlemen I present to you…

Batman V Superman : Dawn of Justice

The name was released this morning by Warner Bros. just as the film began principle photography in Detroit. Up until now the film as been going under the name Man of Steel 2, so this new title along with the casting of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Ray Fisher as Cyborg along with Ben Affleck’s Batman seems to suggest that this movie is no longer going to primarily be a sequel but instead is the next step in the creation of a mega franchise much like Marvel Studios has created with The Avengers. Which we all pretty much knew anyway, but with this title firmly in place it seems to be a confirmation from the studios itself. This is not going to be a second Superman movie, this is the set up for The Justice League.









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