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Comic Book News: Bullet Gal Kickstarter

BulletGalby Jayden Leggett, Editor

ComicsOnline favourite Andrez Bergen (Tales To Admonish, The Tobacco-Stained Mountain Goat, Who Is Killing The Great Capes Of Heropa?) has yet another Kickstarter campaign that is almost at the end of completion. Yes, it seems that one successful campaign just isn’t enough for Andrez, so now he is raising funds to publish his 12 issue series for his hard-boiled noir title about the deadly femme fatale Bullet Gal. Time is of the essence, so head over to his Kickstarter page via this link and make a contribution now!


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Audio visual multimedia extraordinaire (at least in his own mind), Aussie Dave dragged Jayden into this glorious den of geek pop culture, and it's gonna take more than what you can offer to drag him away. Unless you bribe him with Ninja Turtles related merchandise... then all bets are off.