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Month: November 2023

Blu-ray Review: Farscape: The Complete Series (25th Anniversary Edition)

So – you’re testing out an experimental ship in outer-space, and the next thing you know, you are on the other side of the universe surrounded by strange creatures, and all you want to do is get back home. Your name is John Crichton, and you are the only human being to have ever traveled this far from Earth. Welcome to the premise of the Sci-Fi Channel Original Series: Farscape.

Comic Book Review: Pimp Killer

If you are a woman in need of help, LA Jones is who you seek out. She is out to clean up the vile, dangerous men who use women as punching bags or exploit them for their personal gain. She is judge, jury and executioner.

Comic Book Review: All-New Firefly: The Gospel According to Jayne – Vol. 3 (HC)

With writing and visuals like these, fans of the franchise will once again be screaming, “Why was Firefly cancelled?!”.  After I grieve with the crew of Serenity, I will eagerly wait for what comes next for our band of misfits.

Movie Review: Napoleon

One of the problems you’re always going to run into when creating a movie based upon a real life historical figure is that, unless you lie and exaggerate things a whole bunch, there will be significant periods of normalcy and drudgery which don’t interest the average action-addicted moviegoer. This means that movies like Napoleon, or Ghandi, or what have you all need to be taken with a grain of salt. Real life is seldom as exciting as fiction. Napoleon from director Ridley Scott conforms to this rule; it is not purely meant to entertain. It is meant to educate, and to show you something that hopefully you will internalize.  

Comic Book Review: Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2

ComicsOnline gives Capwolf and the Howling Commandos Issue Two 4.5 out of 5 howling good times! -Zoe Gaussoin

Power Rangers 30th Anniversary – Exclusive Interview Series (NOW ONLINE!)

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor It’s Morphin Time! We’re getting back to action as new installments in our Power Rangers 30th Anniversary Interview Series are now online! Join host Matt Sernaker as he catches up with the Ranger family for a…

Comic Book News: MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE RETURN Kickstarter Launches!

BOOM! Studios, together with leading toy and game company Hasbro, is beyond thrilled to announce the previously teased MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE RETURN, written by the original Pink Ranger herself, Amy Jo Johnson along with co-writer Matt Hotson and artist Nico Leon (Ms. Marvel)!

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern #5

Sinestro’s mischievous plans are revealed! With an army of unmanned flying drones at his disposal, the former Lantern unleashes his attack on Earth. Can Hal find a way to stop these unstoppable war machines before it’s too late? Also, did I mention that they can turn invisible…? Find out more as Green Lantern #5 hits home this week from DC!