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Comics Reviews

Comic Book Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116

by Matt Sernaker, Managing Editor

A showdown years in the making finally arrives. That’s right: it’s Lord Drakkon versus the Ranger Slayer in one of the biggest issues of the “Darkest Hour” event. Get your popcorn ready, because BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116 has arrived. 

Creative Team:
Writer: Melissa Flores
Artists: Adam Gorham & Marco Renna
Colorist: Joana Lafuente
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Image provided by BOOM! Studios.

As the war against the newly returned Dark Specter and Mistress Vile (formerly known as Rita Repulsa) rages on, the Power Rangers and their allies find themselves betrayed once again by Lord Drakkon. The alternate universe evil version of Tommy has escaped through the Master Arch and has disappeared into the Morphin Grid. With a corrupted version of the Ranger Slayer in hot pursuit, it is only a matter of time before these two players clash in a massive way. Meanwhile, Mistress Vile finds herself at the receiving end of Dark Specter’s wrath as the Power Rangers continue to elude capture once again. And in one pivotal moment, the Darkest Hour changes the Power Rangers universe forever. What is this game-changer and how will it impact our heroes as they fight for their lives? You’ll have to check out Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116 to find out!

If you’ve read our Power Rangers reviews before, you’d know that we are big fans of the creative team at BOOM! Studios. Since Mighty Morphin Power Rangers first launched, each of the individual creators has focused on telling character-driven stories featuring our favorite teenagers with attitude. The latest run (led by Melissa Flores) has been incredibly consistent and powerful, with each and every issue finding a way to pack an emotional punch. Despite this being a dark moment for the Power Rangers, the issue shines brightly as another page-turner thanks to the artistic choices from Gorham, Renna, and Lafuente. Additionally, Dukeshire’s lettering perfectly complements the narrative and the collaborative experience, making this issue a must-read for fans. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116 features some big moves that were pretty shocking, and I can’t wait to see how the twist plays out in the coming months. 

Rating: ★★★★★
ComicsOnline gives Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116 – 5 out of 5 explosions.

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(Managing Editor/Director of Media Relations) Matt interviewed MacGyver once (true story), and was invited on a submarine to the Arctic. It hasn't happened yet, but Matt hopes that some day he will get the call and he and Richard Dean Anderson will go off and have a wacky adventure.