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DVD Review: Dragon Ball Z Double Feature, Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon

“…Do you people have any more wishes?”

Fusion Reborn
In the station of the souls, where the souls go to ether Heaven or Hell, an accident happens. While a young worker in charge of watching the waste tank for the wash station to hell is slacking off and listing to his music, the waste tank overloads and exploded causing all of the other full tanks to explode. Due to the toxic gas the worker turns into Janemba, a large yellow baby looking thing with the power to destroy everything and it sealed the station of the souls in a barrier. With this incredible distraction, the station of souls could not function and keep the souls in their proper places. Goku made quick work of Janemba in it’s baby form, but then Janemba turned it to a super demon, Goku is no match for it. The only way to defeat it is fore Goku And Vegita to fuse. Back on earth an army of the undead are marching through the streets and the the only hope is for Goten and Trunks to fuse, just like their fathers.

Wrath of the Dragon
An old red man named Hoi, is yelling from the top of a large tower, he calmed that he was going to kill him self. Before he jumped Gohan and Videl come to his rescue. They later learn that Hoi has a music box that has a great hero named Tapion who will save the world from a terrible force, the only problem is the box is sealed tight, not even Goku can open it. All of the Z Fighters go on a quick hunt to find the 7 seven Dragon balls to wish the music box open. Tapion and Hoi are hiding something, Hoi is the last of the alien race that tout they where the ultimate race. When Hoi and his people came to Tapion planet, they released an evil monster power long thought to be gone. To protect their planet, Tapion and his brother played a magic ocarina to distract the monster while a wizard cut the monster in half with a magic sword, the monster did not die so the wizard sealed the top half of the monster in Tapion and the bottom half in his brother, then he sealed them in music boxes. Now Hoi has reunited the top and bottom half of the monsters and is trying to destroy the human race along with every other type of being in the universe. Can Goku, Tapion and the rest of the Z Fighters defat Hoi and his monster? “ I was enjoying my first day off in over a month until some flat footed behemoth stepped on my house”

Fusion Reborn is a high action movie, the majority of the movie is fighting. Most of the fights are good but not the best, usually the fights are just The Z Fighters becoming Super Saiyans and they win the battle quickly. My favorite battle, which isn’t really a battle is when Pikkon yells at the barrier around the Station of souls to make the barrier brake. “He’s down there jamming, and I’m baby sitting a wall”.

I liked Wrath of the Dragon more than Fusion Reborn because it has more depth and a deeper story line and less fighting. The fight scenes are pretty good. My only problem is that in the main fight Trunks is the one who should kill the monster but Goku ends up being the hero.

I found that both of the movies where pretty good. Although I liked Wrath of the Dragon more than Fusion Reborn, my favorite scene was in Fusion Reborn. Adolph Hitler made a interesting appearance in Fusion Reborn. He and his Nazi armies where invading the city and Goten and Trunks became Super Saiyan to defeat Hitler. “Blond hair, blue eyes, super strength, I should be recruiting them”. The special features include remastered in HD and digitally restored, Wide screen transfer from original Japanese film and English voice track with original Japanese music. The DVDs also comes in a very nice metal case.

ComicsOnline gives Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn/ Wrath of the Dragon 4.5 out of 5 ground breaking punches.


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