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TV Review: Community – “Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts”


by Kroze Kresky, Media Editor

Community finally returns from their mid season hiatus, which left fans begging for more of the wacky antics from our favorite study group. Jeff, Annie, Pierce, Britta, Troy, Abed, and Shirley don’t waste any time in “Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts”, as they are immedately thrown into having a wedding right at Greendale!

When Shirley’s baby’s daddy (Malcom-Jamal Warner) shows up and proposes to her, she can’t help but say yes and throw everything else to the wayside… including going into buisness with Pierce. While the episode is mainly focused on Shirley’s wedding, the rest of the crew’s responses to it take center-stage over Shirley herself.  Jeff is asked to give the wedding toast and realizes that he can’t think of anything to say, while Britta (in her general non-conformist fashion) immedately takes a stand against the concept of weddings – leading both of them on a course to the altar together. Troy and Abed are told that they need to act normal during this wedding, with no weirdness at all. So, after spending an entire night in the Dreamatorium to drain the weirdness out, the two emerge normalized… Leading me to believe that ‘normal’ Abed is ten times more frightning and scary than the Abed we are used to. After being willing to invest in Shirley’s sandwhich shop idea, Pierce is the one in the group that gets hit hardest by the wedding antics, believing that he is finally doing something worthwhile with his life and money. Shirley is ready to throw his offer away after being unimpressed by Pierce’s pitch, alongside the fact that she is too focused on the marrage. When Pierce reveals to Shirley that he has been fired and begs to her that he needs a ‘win’ in his life, she agrees to stick with him and make the pitch to Dean Pelton.

This episode was very character-driven to return with, giving everyone a little bit of screentime despite the event being focused on Shirley, and it gave us several great lines. Annie telling Jeff off, calling the beginning of his wedding toast the “Jim Belushi of openings. It accomplishes nothing, but everyone keeps using it and no one knows why.” was pure gold!

Granted, the episode wasn’t as out-there as many of the top-tier episodes of Community, but Dan Harmon knows what he is doing giving us a nice solid episode that anyone can easily get into for the show’s mid season return.

ComicsOnline gives Community – “Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts” – 5 out of 5 series that we are excited to see return to TV!

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